Thursday 7 February 2019

Mediterranean Style Kofta Wraps

Sometimes cooking on weeknights can feel like a total chore but that's the reason I plan to have quick and easy meals on the dinner menu from Monday-Thursday. This Mediterranean style Kofta wrap was so delicious, I even surprised myself at just how easy it was! The mince is ready in just under 30 minutes and while that's in the oven, you can chop up your veggies and have everything ready to go. I was initially wanting to try a Kofta Pita but failed to find any at the supermarket on D-Day so I had some leftover wraps which I used up. You can alternate between a wrap or pita depending on which one you prefer. 


700g kofta mince 
1/2 telegraph cucumber, diced 
250g cherry tomatoes
Wraps of your choice 
Spoonful of tzatziki dip 
Grated feta


Preheat oven to 180 C fan forced and line baking tray with foil or baking paper. 

Roll kofta mince into balls or long patties and arrange on baking tray, leaving few inches of space between each patty. Place in the oven for 30 minutes, turning once or until meat is no longer pink. 

Meanwhile dice cucumber and cherry tomatoes. Once mince is cooked, remove from oven and begin layering your wrap. Place a spoonful of tzatziki in the middle and spread, followed by the vegetables and mince. Crumble feta and serve while warm. 

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