Friday 8 February 2019

Kisha's Kitchen... Quite Literally

Welcome to my kitchen! This is where the magic happens and also where my OCD goes through the roof if my beautifully labelled containers are found in the wrong place *Ahem husband*. Just kidding  - I’m not that bad. I mean, can’t you tell by the picture?! Ever since I was little, I just loved to decorate; whether it was my room or my closet. Fast forward several years and when I finally had the chance to decorate my entire house, I WENT CRAZY - In a good way. It included a lot of midnight trips to Kmart and the best part was not being questioned for the zillion shopping bags I was bringing home. I had a real reason to blame it all on - We were moving out!

I did turn stylist on every corner of my house but for the sake of this post and your time, I will just keep this to my kitchen. I do plan to review appliances but I think I’ll leave that for a later time. So starting with these clear food jars; I got inspired from Pinterest. I find the best ideas and hacks on there so I highly recommend you join if you haven’t already. I planned my kitchen set up for months and researched food storage. Yes the jars are pretty but keeping them organised ensures a lot of things. Firstly, less time wasting when cooking – everything is perfectly visible. You know when something needs topping up and you can easily add it to your list. Secondly, the food is kept fresh in these air tight containers. And of course they are BPA free. Thirdly, you get all the compliments when someone opens your pantry! I usually get the ‘WOW’ or the occasional ‘WTF’ – either one leaves me flattered.

So where did I find these babies? In Kmart of course! They were $8.00 for 3 different sized containers. I am sure I finished the entire stock of these containers myself so I apologise if you have trouble finding it. The bamboo baskets, turntables and wire racks are all from Kmart too. I use the bamboo baskets to pack away chips, noodles, dry rubs and sachets and crackers. The reason why I don’t have these things in the beautifully labelled containers is that we turn them over way too quick. I prefer to have staple foods in the clear containers which usually take a while to use up. The turntables hold marinades and sauces and the spin function is so convenient to find what you’re after when you’re in a rush. And of course I use the wire racks to lift items for visibility. I haven't got the biggest pantry in the world but I also believe organisation is not just limited to bigger space. On a scale of 1-10 for the rest of my kitchen size, I would give it a solid 3.5. It is very tiny but handy gadgets and simplicity has made it work. I am not a hoarder; I throw things out like crazy so I haven’t overcrowded my kitchen. I like to keep the basics and only the essentials. 

Styling your kitchen or any space requires a lot of time and effort. Be strategic about where you place things for convenience and ease for example, everyday items should be kept at eye level and less used items should be kept lower or higher. It’s so important to do your research to find items that suit your budget and to also find props that match your style; everybody has different tastes in décor and your space should reflect who you are as a person. I feel that my kitchen truly reflects my taste; simple, modern and totally chic.

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