Wednesday 6 February 2019

Seriously Easy Bannoffee Pie

Talk about dessert overload on my blog recently! I’m back again for another homemade sweet treat, Bannoffee pie! And as the name suggests, its key ingredients are banana and toffee. I was actually quite nervous to make the caramel/toffee from scratch just because I have heard many caramel horror stories but in fact it ended up being quite easy. Stirring continuously is key; you definitely won’t feel guilty about skipping arm day on this day! It does get tiring but it’s definitely worth the wait. And just a disclaimer, this dessert is REALLY sweet so maybe skip this if you are catering for some health freaks.


250g packet Arnotts Granita biscuits
150g melted butter + 50g extra for caramel
395g sweetened condensed milk
1/3 cup brown sugar
2 large bananas, sliced
Whipped cream


Grease and line a flan case with baking paper. TIP: Use a flan case with removable base for ease when serving.

Crush biscuits until you have fine crumbs and mix in 150g melted butter. Combine until the mixture resembles wet sand and press into the prepared flan case. Place in fridge.

In a medium saucepan over low heat, place the remainder of the butter, sweetened condensed milk and brown sugar.  Cook, stirring constantly until caramel thickens. Make sure it does not boil.

Once the caramel reaches a thick consistency, remove from heat and pour it over the prepared biscuit base. Spread evenly and place back in the fridge for 1 hour.

When ready to serve, remove pie from fridge and top with freshly sliced bananas and whipped cream. Serve immediately and enjoy!

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