Friday 2 March 2018

Classic Beef Mince Tacos

Firstly, sorry for being MIA for the past week 'ish'. I have been so busy with my day job that my ability to read and write greatly declines after 5pm (Ha!) So... these tacos were to die for and were made by my wonderful husband! I wasn't feeling the greatest that night so he decided to take over the kitchen and whip this up. I decided to include the recipe here because I was getting so many messages on how to make this so here it goes!


Beef mince (We used 800g)
Hard shell tacos (6)
1 packet Old El Paso Mexican Taco Spice Mix
1 can of red kidney beans
2 cups shredded lettuce
2 cloves of garlic crushed
1 teaspoon minced ginger 
Sliced cherry tomatoes
Handful of grated cheese
Sour cream to garnish
Avocado dip to garnish (You can use real avocados but I refuse to spend $6.00 on one avocado so dip it is!)
Salt and pepper to taste
2 tablespoons of oil


Prepare your beef mince by draining excess liquid. Heat oil in a pan and add the garlic and ginger. Brown for a couple of minutes and add the beef mince, breaking up big lumps of mince. Brown for a couple of minutes and add the taco spice mix.

Cook mince until water has evaporated and add the red kidney beans. Cook for a further couple of minutes and add salt and pepper for taste. You can choose to warm up the tacos in your oven, air fryer or microwave at this stage for a few minutes.

Assemble your warmed taco using shredded lettuce, beef mince, sliced tomatoes, sour cream and avocado dip/guacamole. Enjoy!

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