Friday, 24 April 2020

Ramadan Mubarak!

My favourite time of the year is here! The month of purification, sacrifice, kindness, compassion and mercy is on our doorsteps and it's up to us to make this month as fruitful and rewarding as it can be. Personally this year has been tough due to a number of different reasons and I'm definitely in need of this spiritual bootcamp to nourish my soul and heal the things that are out of place. 

Although this Ramadan and potentially Eid is going to be a lot quieter because of Covid-19, I am actually grateful to be spending more time at home. On a usual work day the city commute takes up a lot of my hours and I am happy that I can redirect this time and energy to worship, remembering our Creator and extending my Islamic knowledge. And I also don't mind getting a few hours of extra sleep after Suhoor ha-ha. 

For the first time ever my husband and I will be praying Tarawih together In Sha Allah and it just warms my heart thinking that even during a Pandemic, ASWT has designed this trial in such a way that families who don't often get to pray, break fasts or spend time together in Ramadan get to do just that. ASWT is truly the best of planners. 

My Ramadan resolution is to not get caught up in cooking lavish foods and spending the final hours of my fasting day slaving in the kitchen. Entertaining with friends and family has been forcefully removed from the picture because of social restrictions but I still like to get busy in the kitchen when it's just the two of us. We are committing to wholesome, nutritious and easy iftaars during the week, giving me a chance to unleash my creative self only in the weekends. 

Whether you're fasting or not, I hope this month is exactly what you want it to be. I hope you meet the goals that you have set, improved yourself in one way or another and learnt a little more about the beauty of our religion and our Creator. I hope this is a blessed month for you all.

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