Tuesday 28 April 2020

Eid Mubarak Decor

I'm back with another DIY decor item and this time it's for Eid! I woke up on Sunday morning with a strong desire to do something crafty. Given eating and drinking is out of the equation and we're in social isolation, I have so much time on my hands. I started jotting down ideas but pretty quickly zeroed in on the Eid sign. I was mindful to make this nice and early so anyone that wants to recreate this decor has time to do so. 

I absolutely love Moroccan prints for home styling and I'm going for the same vibes for my Eid set up. When I started thinking about the colour palette for this item I was already thinking of a bit of blue-y green and I happened to rummage through my giveaway clothes pile and found my shift HNM dress which eventually made it as the background. I really loved the colour of this dress but accidentally put it in the dryer and it turned into more of a top than a dress. But it came to good use for this mini project and I'm happy that I decided to use it.

I gave Roni's Home Depot in Penrith a visit and ended up finding everything that I needed for this DIY project. They have a huge selection of canvases in different shapes and sizes and also a number of different alphabet stickers. I was stoked to find glitter blue letters that went perfectly with my colour scheme. I already had the fabric and basics such as craft glue, stapler and scissors therefore the only things I needed was a canvas, alphabet stickers and craft cardboard paper.

Similar items! 

Cost: $30 (If you have basics)
Time to make: 30-40 mins


50cm diameter round canvas
1-1.5 meter square fabric of choice
Craft paper
Alphabet stickers
Craft glue
Staple gun or stapler


Start by laying the fabric over the front of the canvas and position the material to your liking. Flip the canvas over and staple fabric to the edge of the canvas or tie material to secure. (Note 1)

Flip the canvas back over and position craft paper in the middle of the canvas, this will be the background for the letters. Cut craft paper in whichever shape you like leaving enough room for a border.

Cut the alphabets you will need without peeling the sticker. Position the alphabets on top of the craft paper, peel and stick down once happy with the position. (Note 2)

Once all alphabets are secure, flip the craft paper over and apply glue on the edges. Flip the craft paper over again to stick on top the the fabric, pressing down to secure.

I used the belt of the dress as a ribbon piece in between the wording but this step is optional. You can use extra fabric to decorate as you like.

Decorate decor item with lighting, flowers or vines to add a personal touch. Display on surface of choice. Well done!


1. A staple gun is needed to secure the fabric to the edges of the canvas. Alternatively ensure the fabric is long enough to tie and secure at the back of the canvas. A general stapler can be used to clean overhanging material.

2. Make sure to buy enough alphabet sticker sheets as needed. 

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