Friday, 17 April 2020

Kheer | Indian Rice Pudding

I have a ridiculous habit of immediately craving foods that I see people devouring. It started when I was younger when most foods in the school canteen were non-halal and I would race home to tell my mum to recreate all the things I couldn't eat that day. My poor mum kept up with the requests until I started cooking at about age 12 and it's been my problem ever since ha-ha.

During this lockdown my extended maternal family has been catching up via video call every afternoon to stay in touch and check in on each other. It was a super cute gesture until last week when my mum and two cousins (Who all live in different cities) decided to make Kheer. The entire day was spent sharing recipes in the group chat and one by one the photos started rolling in. I was full of resentment when I dialled into the call and found myself to be the only one without a delicious bowl of Kheer - How dare they! But the craving was finally fulfilled this week when I whipped up this 5 ingredient rice pudding during my lunch break. 

Serves: 3
Ready in: 1 hour (prep) and 30 minutes (cook time)
Difficulty: ★


1/2 cup uncooked rice (see notes)
600ml milk
5 tsp sugar
2 tsp cardamon powder
4-5 tsp silvered almonds
Crushed pistachios for garnish (optional)


Place uncooked rice in a bowl and wash thoroughly with water. Cover the rice with water and let soak in room temperature for 1 hour.

Drain excess water from rice and heat a small saucepan over medium heat. Add soaked rice and milk and bring to a boil. Turn heat to low and add sugar, cardamon powder and almonds. Let simmer on low heat for 30 minutes, stirring every 3-5 minutes.

Once the rice and milk has thickened, use a potato masher to soften the rice further. Taste and adjust sugar and spice to your liking. Remove from heat, garnish with pistachios and serve while hot. Alternatively place in fridge and serve chilled. Enjoy!


I used Jasmin rice and extra light Devondale milk for this recipe.

Soaking rice in water will soften the rice and reduce cooking time. You can make this recipe with normal uncooked rice however cooking time and milk quantity may vary.

I recommend adding 1 tsp of sugar and cardamon powder at a time until you are happy with the amount. 

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