Thursday 3 January 2019

Skinny Spicy Fried Chicken

Happy New Year and welcome to 2019! It’s officially been one year since I started my food journey and I’m so very excited to see what this year holds for my little kitchen! Now like many of you, one of my new year’s resolutions is to start eating a whole lot healthier and I couldn’t think of a better recipe to start the year with; let me introduce you to my version of Skinny Spicy Fried Chicken. It has zero oil, so much crunch and is totally addictive. Read on to see how you can make yours!


4 boneless chicken thighs
2 cups buttermilk
2 tbsp hot/chilli sauce
3 cups cornflakes, crushed
1 cup plain white flour
2 tbsp chilli flakes
1 tsp onion salt
1 tsp garlic salt
1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp dried parsley


Prepare your chicken thighs by washing and cleaning it as per usual. (I sliced my thighs in half so I had 8 ‘patties’ to work with - The thinner the meat is, the quicker it’ll take in the oven!)

In a bowl, mix buttermilk and chilli sauce and place the chicken in the marinade. Then place it in the fridge for an hour or two for the chicken to really absorb the buttermilk. The longer it is in the marinade, the crunchier the chicken will be.

Remove chicken from fridge and allow it to return back to room temperature. Preheat oven to 200 C for 10 minutes.

Place white flour in a bowl. In a separate bowl, place crushed cornflakes and the rest of the spices. Ensure the spices are mixed well.

Remove the thigh fillet from the buttermilk marinade and coat it with plain flour. Then drench it back into the buttermilk marinade and then coat with cornflake mixture. Press down on the cornflake crumb to secure it and place it on a prepared baking rack or tray.

Repeat the coating steps with the remainder of the chicken and bake in the oven for 35 minutes at 200 C, turning midway. Test the chicken to check if cooked – If more time is required, turn oven temperature down to 180 C and bake until done. Best served warm as a snack or as a burger patty.

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