Monday 29 October 2018

Fruit & Custard Trifle

If you had to choose between either baking or cooking for the rest of your life, what would it be? Without thinking twice, my answer would be the latter. Not because I don’t enjoy baking – You have probably noticed that most of my recipes include the oven in one way or another. It’s simply because I have a bittersweet relationship when it comes to creating desserts. The spectrum includes either knocking my own socks off with some crazy good creations or debating if things are even edible. And I’ve realised that this is solely due to the fact that I suck at following instructions i.e. A recipe – (Oh the irony because I’m writing one right this minute!)

Cooking is very forgiving in my humble opinion, you can balance things out with different ingredients but if you put one too many teaspoons of baking soda in your lava cake, you’ll have yourself a volcano! So because of my baking dilemma, I often choose the easy route when it comes to dessert. I fancy anything that looks spectacular but doesn’t take much effort and this super easy fruit and custard trifle is just that. You can either create one big traditional trifle or repeat the instructions in smaller dessert cups. I used my everyday drinking glasses (Pictured) because my husband broke my beloved trifle bowl – More on that heartbreak later. But keep on reading to learn how to assemble this beautiful festive dessert.


Store-bought jam sponge rolls 400g
Vanilla custard 1kg
Frozen mixed berries 500g (Thawed)
Canned peach slices in syrup 820g
Canned passionfruit pulp 170g x2 cans
Fresh whipped cream (Optional)


Slice jam sponge roll into 1 inch thick sections and place flat on the bottom of the dessert cup/trifle bowl. (If you are using a trifle bowl, cover the entire bottom layer with jam rolls placed next to each other to make the first layer of the trifle) Top with spoonful of mixed berries, peaches, passionfruit pulp and custard in that order.

Repeat step again starting with a layer of jam sponge roll, mixed berries, peaches, passionfruit pulp and custard until you have reached the top of the dessert cup/trifle bowl. Top with whipped cream and/or more passionfruit pulp.

Repeat for the remainder of the cups if creating individual trifle cups and chill for a few hours to overnight before serving.


1.     For a big traditional trifle, ingredients will need to be doubled.
2.     Ensure each layer is spread evenly before layering with the next item.

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